Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Trains running well ... yippee!

It's a good day. Trains are running well on the Paducah Switching layout, thanks to Ron Schlueter who came over this afternoon and worked his magic on fixing a problematic curve (too tight and with a kink) and generally tuned the track. I was most pleased Ron was able to fix the curve without widening it to the point where I might have to change the track plan in that area.

As modelers who read this blog will attest, the railroad HAS to run well, or nothing else matters. There is still some track cleaning to finish, but I can now start moving on with the building of the railroad. Coming soon is the painting of the benchwork, the installation of the fascia, and the addition of the second NCE throttle. That, of course, will be followed by structures and scenery that bring model railroads to life.

1 comment:

  1. Bill, looking really good. Thank you, this isolation time is helping me to get back to my Railroad. Pastor Chris
