Monday, October 28, 2019

Sequencing indicated in next steps

Following a bit of a lull due to medical issues (cataract surgery for me and upcoming back surgery for Sue) and a bout of procrastination, it's time to get started again. I'm at a stage where sequencing is indicated. For example, it works best if the pegboard behind the work bench is put in place before the track is cleared and hardboard is laid on the 2' x 8' section of former benchwork that becomes the work bench is placed. Then the new benchwork can be cleared so the backdrop can get its blue sky coat of paint. Finally, after these tasks are complete, I can install a nine inch by eight foot board on the short section of the "L" to make it 2'-9" x 8'. THEN, I can start laying roadbed and track.  I will be using Woodland Scenics N-scale foam roadbed, and Atlas Code 100 flex track. Turnouts will be hand thrown Peco. I already have the track and turnouts from the previous layout.